revised November 18, 2024
Instructions for domain names purchased or transferred to KartHost On or After July 28, 2024 can be found at:
Instruction for domain names purchased or transferred to KartHost BEFORE July 28, 2024 are listed below:
Definition of titles in Domain Name Record and their importance:
Of High Importance:
Registrant - This is the legal owner of the domain name (note: any changes to the email address may require a new RAA Email verification to be completed in 15 days)
Administrator (Admin) - This is the Domain Name Manager
Of Lessor Importance:
Technical Contact - Manager of technical issues, usually the same as the Administrator
Billing Contact - The authorized person to receive renewal invoices, usually the Registrant or the Admin (some Registers no longer show the Billing Contact).
IMPORTANT NOTE CHANGE TO REGISTRANT DETAILS: Per ICANN, as of December 1, 2016, whenever you make any changes to one or more of the following
Registrant: Name, Organization (Company Name), or Email address,
two (2) emails will be dispatched out to the previous email address (Current Registrant) and the new email address (New Registrant).
If the email address wasn't changed, these two emails will be sent out to the same email address, and BOTH must be approved even if no change is requested on the email address.
Please Open a support ticket if you can no longer access the current Registrant email address we maybe able to help you with the change.
[Step 1] We will assume you have logged into your KartHost Customer Center, and we will start on your My Dashboard. Two choices: on the horizontal navigation window, click on Domains > My Domains or click the Domains box.
[Step 2] You will land on the My Domains page with a list of all your domain names.
(A) Locate your domain name. It could be displayed on the existing page, or you could click View to only show Active domain names or use the Search field to search for your domain name.
(B) After locating your Domain Name on the far right of the row, locate the three dots "..." and click on them and a drop-down menu will appear. Click on Edit Contact Information
(C) Select one or the other: 'Use existing Account Contact' (which your KartHost Customer Center Account Details will be used) or 'Specify custom information below'. For instance, you might be registering a new Domain Name for a client or family member.
SELECT ONE You will be arriving on the Contact Information page. There are four parts to this page, Registrant (owner of the domain name), Admin (the manager of the domain name), Technical (person or company that usually controls DNS of the domain), Billing (the person responsible of renewing the domain name - Note: This position is being removed from some registers)
DO NOT CHANGE - Contact ID (information only) field. This is used in the registers database for the proper data to use on your Whois record.
If the Registrant Contact is changed in either of the following fields, an RAA Verification Email will be sent, and the domain owner Must click the link in the RAA Verification Email to accept the change.
- Full Name - (Registrant Name) if any changes are made.
- Email Address - RAA Email is set to the OLD email address and to the new Email Address
Other Registrant contact details, such as Company Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip/Postcode, Country, and Phone Number, do not typically trigger an RAA verification email on their own. However, they must still be accurate and properly formatted according to ICANN requirements.
Admin | Technical | Billing
These contact details, such as Company Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip/Postcode, Country, and Phone Number, do not typically trigger an RAA verification email. However, they must still be accurate and properly formatted according to ICANN requirements.
(D) Once Satisfied with the changes, click the SAVE CHANGES button.
Register Your Next Domain Name with KartHost.