If you Purchased your Domain Name (or Transferred your domain name) on or after July 28, 2024, continue to use this tutorial.

If you purchased or transferred your domain name before July 28, 2024, use this Tutorial: Changing Domain Name (WhoIs) Record

This tutorial assumes you are already logged into your KartHost Customer Center. We will start on your My Dashboard.


[Step 1] On the KartHost Customer Center My Dashboard, you have two options to access your domain name

(A) On the horizontal upper navigation, click on Domains.

(B) On the drop-down menu, click My Domains.


(C) Click on the Domains box on the My Dashboard page.

From the KartHost My Dashboard Customer Center page click Domains block

[Step 2] On the resulting My Domains page, locate your domain name (if you have many domain names, use the Search tool top right...
(A) Locate the domain name you plan to work with (in our example, gail58.com), and on the far right, click the three horizontal dots.
(B) The result will be a drop-down menu. Click on Manage Domain.

Locate your KartHost Domain Name and the 3 dots and Manage Domain on the drop down menu.

[Step 3] Since we are working with the gail58.com domain name, we will land on the Managing gail58.com. Your domain name will replace gail58.com.

Please confirm that you are working with the correct domain name. Your domain name will appear in the red box as confirmation.

Confirm the page title is showing 'Managing <your domain>

[Step 4] Now, you will need to select Item (F) Contact Information (aka Whois Record).
Let's review the other tools for managing your domain. While we are here, find the other items listed in the image below, as explained below the image.

Select Item F Contact Information to manage your domain names Whois record.

(A) Overview—The image above shows everything. It's a reference point for where you are.
(B) Auto Renew - By clicking Auto Renew will allow you to turn on or offer Auto Renew of your domain name. A Card must be in your account to use Auto Renew On.
(C) Nameservers - If you decided to use a 3rd party DNS, like Cloudflare (we offer Managed Cloudflare DNS Management), This is where you would do this. By clicking 'Use customer nameservers (enter below)'
(D) Registrar Lock—Unless you plan on Transferring your domain name away, the Register Lock Status should always be ON to prevent a fraud Transfer.
(E) Addons - Click to purchase ID Protection or activate the Free Registry's DNS Management or Free Email Forwarding.
(F) Contact Information - Think of this as like the title of your car! The Registrant proves ownership of your domain name.
(G) Private Nameservers - More of a vanity, but it will allow your nameservers to match your brand if you are a business.
(H) DNS Management - Be very careful in this area unless you know what you're doing. You could take down your website and email service using your domain name.
(I) Email Forwarding - If you are not using this domain for email service. You can set up an email address to forward to your main email address/mailbox. This will not work if MX records are pointing to some other service.
(J) If you are planning to Transfer your Domain Name to another Registry, you will need the EPP code (sometimes referred to as a Transfer Authorization Code). The EPP Code will be emailed to you.

[Step 5] After selecting item (F), you will be taken to the Contact Information page (which makes up the Whois Record).
Note: If you modify the Registrant's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, phone number, or physical address, this will trigger a verification process. An email (or possibly two if the email address is changed) will be sent to approve the changes. The process is limited to 60 days. Domain can not be transferred for 60 days after change to Registrant's name or email address.
Open a support ticket if you do not recognize the Registrant's current contact information.
(A) If you select "Use existing account contact," the information in your KartHost Customer Center account details page will be used.
(B) If you select 'Specify custom information below,' you can use any information to show ownership of this domain name.   Use wisely.

End of Tutorial

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Register a domain name today for your website or use it for your email service.

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