How to Add Additional Mail Boxes for a Domain Print

  • 61

The Following is how to add additional MailBoxes to either KloudMail Accounts or Microsoft Exchange Accounts.

1) Login to the KartHost KloudMail Control Panel at

2) Once logged in on the top right corner of the page is a drop down menu it says "Go to section -->" Click on it and select "Domains"

 Adding Additional Mail Boxes to Exchange or Kloud Mail account Step 2

3) On the Domains Home page, in the Manage box click on "Domain Details"

Adding Additional Mail Boxes to Exchange or Kloud Mail account Step 3

4) On the Domain Details page, you will need to look for the domain name you wish to add additional mailboxes too. Click on the Domain Name name itself.

Adding Additional Mail Boxes to Exchange or Kloud Mail account Step 4

5) On the Domains > Edit Domain page you will look in the "Hosted Exchange" area if this is a Microsoft Exchange account or "Email Hosting" area if KloudMail  account and in the "Maximum # of Mailboxes you need to add the TOTAL number of mailboxes client should have.

NOTE: IF Hosted Exchange account MAKE SURE "Add Additional Licenses" for "ActiveSync Liceses" match the "Maximum # of Mailboxes" otherwise client will not be able to use Microsoft Exchange PUSH technology with Outlook, and supported SmartPhones.
Lastly once you have added and set the changes make sure to click the black "Save" button at bottom of page.

Adding Additional Mail Boxes to Exchange or Kloud Mail account Step 5

6) Last thing that needs to be done, is adjust clients billing to reflect the new mail boxes in KartHost Customer Center. If client is paying other than monthly make sure to prorate invoice until next normal invoice date.

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