What is DKIM and How Do I add one to My Domains Email? Print

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What is DKIM?

DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) enables email providers that receive mail from your domain to verify whether or not messages from your domain are in fact authentic and not fraudulent. This level of email authentication is made possible through the use of public / private key encryption and information stored in your domain's DNS.

How does it work?

When a message is sent from your domain, it is ‘signed’ using the private key and various parts of the message headers and/or content. These parts are specified in the signature.

Recipients of the message can use the public key specified in your domain’s DKIM TXT record to validate the signature. If the validation is successful, then the receiver can assume the message came from a legitimate source. If the signature fails, then the receiver can choose whether or not to trust the message.

Each domain will have its own unique DKIM key and signature.


DKIM Record Host: <selector>._domainkey

DKIM Record Value: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=<encrypted key>

In addition to validating the original source of the message, these signatures ensure that the message has not been altered in transit by any third parties.

Using KartHost KloudEmail? Here is How to set your DKIM Record for your Domain Name.

[Step 1] Once logged into the KartHost KloudEmail Control Panel go to the 'Domains' section and click on "Sender Authentication (DKIM)"


[Step 2] On the resulting Domains / Sender Authentication (DKIM) page you will (A) see the list of domains set up for email. (B) Under 'Status' (if the lock is Green that means your DKIM record is all set up and verified for the specific domain name). (C) If the Status is Red, then just click the domain name to 

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