Stop WordPress Contact Form Spam and Comment Spam COLD!

  • Friday, 6th November, 2020
  • 12:29pm

KartHost Advanced Managed VPS for WordPress service has become a better value!

Have you ever logged into your WordPress site and see that you view the little RED circle next to Comments with a number in it... Sometimes a BIG number in it. That means you have Comments that have been placed on your Blog Posts and awaiting approval in most cases. The only problem is 99.999% of the comments awaiting approval are just Spam Comments and most are from Spam Bots. There have been plugins to try to handle this and some work better than others, but no real solutions. Until Now!

Introducing Human Presence. The one solution that really works!

If you have our Advanced Managed VPS Hosting for WordPress, you automatically have this available to you. It should be activated but if it isn't do the following:

[1] Login to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

[2] On the left vertical navigation scroll down until you see "Platform Caching" click Platform Caching.

[3] You will arrive at the Platform Caching Control Panel. Scroll down until you see the Integration Settings box look for Human Presence Integration.

[4] Look for the Human Presence Enabled check box and that will enable the Human Presence Integration. 

[5] Now if on a laptop or desktop computer on your keyboard tap at the same time the "CTRL" + "F5" key to force a refresh of your web browser. Once refreshed look for Human Presence right above Platform Cache. Congratulations, you have Human Presence protection.

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