Roundcube - How Do I Change Email Editor to HTML Print

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Roundcube is a web based email reader, to allow you to read the email for your domain and email box on the actual server the email is located.

When I compose a new email, all I can do is write in plain text, and not able to make hyper links, make my text bold and other features found in other editors.
And by default when a new email mailbox is first accessed via Webmail and you compose a new email, the editor will be in TEXT only mode. If you wish to have all the normal functions found in most word processors or other email systems,  you will need to set up Roundcude the way you would want to use it. To have this capability on the web this is called HTML email, and you will want to do the following.

1) Login to your email account using Roundcube and once logged in you will want to click on "Settings" found on the top right right below Logout.

How to change to the HTML Editor in Roundcube webmail Step 1

2) You will open up the Settings Page and you will automatically be on the Preferences settings page and on this page, click on "Composing Messages" from under Section.

How to change to the HTML Editor in Roundcube webmail Step 2

3) The Composing Messages window will open up  and you will want to look under "Compose HTML messages".

How to change to the HTML Editor in Roundcube webmail Step 3

4) The default is set to "never" and you will have 3 other choices which are:

  • never - you will use just plain text. Similar to using Note Pad on a windows computer or TextEdit for a Mac.
  • always - Everytime you compose an email, either a new one or replying you have full HTML capabilites in the editor
  • on reply to HTML message - Only if an email was sent in HTML format will you have the capability to reply using the HTML editor in Roundcube
  • on forward or reply to HTML message - This basically is the same as "on reply to HTML message" but also includes any emails you forward.
How to change to the HTML Editor in Roundcube webmail Step 4

5) After you make your choice (usually most people use "always") you will need to Save  your changes.

6) While on the Composing Messages page you might also make your choices for other.

Thank you for being a Client. If you would like to move up in email, strongly consider our KartHostKloud Mail.

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